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The saying, in the birth world, goes: If you have two births due two weeks apart, they will go at the same time. If you have two births due on the same day, you’re golden.

I had three births that spanned a month with two weeks between each one. They all birthed in a five day span. And they all began with rupture of membranes. There must have been something in the atmosphere last weekend!  I thought someone was pranking me when two first time moms called on the same day to tell me their water broke.

I’m dying to blog about these amazing births but our birth community is so small, I don’t want to violate anyone’s privacy.

But I can brag on Dr. Polo Shirt and I have permission to share these two pictures. Seriously, how many hospital care providers would strike this pose and wait patiently and hands-off? I offered him the knee pads I keep in my birth bag.

(Check out another great birth position Dr. Polo Shirt attended here.)

This first time mom birthed in an extended child’s pose–very low to the ground.  A first, I think, for me to witness.  With an 8+ lb baby over an intact perineum, I might add.  Also, no needles, no monitors around her waist, no forms to sign.  She walked into the room, went into child’s pose, and had her baby.  Hurray!

8 responses »

  1. We had four storms in the 24 hours before my water broke, and I went to bed the night before it broke wondering if the air-pressure changes would affect me/getting labor started. (I’m right now writing out my birth story and *just* wrote about that thought crossing my mind the night before.) Wow-interesting that all the births started with rupture of membranes–you have been BUSY!

    And words here don’t do justice to thank you for all that you did at our birth! But I’ll say thank you here, too: Thank You! 🙂

    Love the pics, too. 🙂

    • Oh, I didn’t think about the storms. Hmmmm.

      I’ll try to get my notes from your birth typed up tonight to send to you. I scribbled some sweet moments when I could get to my folder! I NEED to see you next week. Miss you!

  2. Wish more Drs. out there like Dr. Stafford. I try to drive expecting moms his way as much as I can because I know he will respect their wishes and work with them to get the birth they want.

  3. Pingback: Justus’s Birth Story: Part 1 | Keren Threlfall

  4. Julia Holman

    Dr Stafford is awesome, and his new bearded look makes him look like Count Dooku.

  5. This is what happened to me! Except it was my second baby. First time I had monitors, epidural, the who le bit. This time I stayed home Until the last minute. Got to hospital, got in this same modified child pose under the shower and had my 8 lb 13 oz baby an hour later. Perineum intact.


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