More Fun at the Pickens Flea Market

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I had such a great time today at the flea market.  My sister-in-law, Rebecca, joined me.  It is always more fun to enjoy the, um, sights, with a friend!

My favorite table today was this one:














What an odd assortment of items to sale.  What is the strange pitch-fork thing with a hooked end?

However–the highlight!  My natural food guy was back after his long winter hibernation.  Today, I filled two bags for 20.00.  Check it out!  And nothing was expired. 


That is:  2 boxes of bulgar wheat, 2 boxes of organic granola bars, 3 boxes of hazelnut crackers, 1 large container of almond oil, 3 jars of coconut oil, 1 box of tea, and 1 box of oat bran.  If you’ve ever bought coconut oil, you can guess why I’m so happy about my natural food guy’s return! 

We also had our first (and hopefully only) ultrasound today.  We did the free ultrasound at Greenville Technical College.  It was really interesting since it is a teaching module.  I learned more than I normally would.  Everything looked good–but, of course, they wouldn’t tell us if something was out of the ordinary.  They would send the info to our care provider.  But I definitely saw a three-vesseled cord, a four chambered heart, and a closed spine.  And yes, baby did share its gender.  I chose not to know.  And I haven’t a clue.  My husband chose to know and he better not tell anyone.  So don’t pester him. 


The baby’s name will be Cedar–regardless of gender.  The child had fingers in mouth and moved the whole time.  Cedar always moves.  Always.

10 responses »

  1. A. Who cares about the hooked pitchfork when there’s a demon monkey on the loose
    B. I think Cedar gave me a thumbs up…but that could have been another finger….kids today.

  2. That was the best time I had at the flea market ever. Thanks, Julie! Let us know of the ultasound results and good luck! We love you!!!

  3. What on earth is that strange monkey thing??? Scary. One time I saw guys out at the flea market selling what appeared to be used coffins.

    I probably couldn’t have told if something was wrong (unless it was just very wrong) but they said everything looked good when I asked them. They told me there was once a lady who didn’t know she was having twins and they told her–although I guess it would be pretty hard to cover that up 🙂 It turns out that Ivey moves around more than I thought! She was all over the place in the ultrasound, but I didn’t feel most of it. Then I found out I had an anterior placenta and when I looked it up, I read that women with those might not feel the baby move as much (especially in the front), so maybe that is why.

  4. My placenta is posterior which is probably why I felt movement so early on (and now so much). I wonder how Norah’s was? Never knew.

  5. Um, that monkey thing is truly frightening. & when is little Cedar due again??

  6. withwomanwithchild

    it’s too bad cedar can’t hear my voice (so i’ll be a familiar figure) through a cell connection. we’d be super-friends in babyhood! ❤

  7. You have yourself an active baby 🙂 Cedar is going to be a great Zest Quest role-model, just like his/her big sis!! Oh and I think Franklin would love that crazy looking monkey 🙂

  8. I can just see Franklin attacking that monkey, Brady!

    Rach–Cedar is due early August.

  9. I hope Cedar comes on August 8th, So glad to hear everthing looked good with the baby.

    The object in question could be either an ice hook or a hay bail hook I couldnt see it really well.

  10. Now I will have to take pictures when I go to the flea market! Ithink Denise got the thing right. Best of wishes for the new baby.


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