Morning Glory

I’m so happy to announce an exciting new class beginning in February taught by Ashley–the same crafty mama I blogged about in December

Morning Glory Parent-Tot Group
For children ages 1-3 1/2 with a parent, grandparent or caregiver.

A parent-tot group is a nurturing environment where adults attend with their child for play, mealtime and conversation with others on early childhood topics. The small group, limited to 7 families, fosters community and offers a space of support for families. We can further our bonds with our children while cultivating community with others. It is a time to retreat from the busyness of the world and focus our minds on ourselves, our children, and our small group in a warm, lovely environment.

Join us for 2 1/4 hours on Tuesday mornings in our “classroom” – a cozy little guest house on a gorgeous private property in North Greenville’s Green Valley subdivision. Together we will:

~ explore Nature’s beauty as we discover magic hidden around every turn on our group nature walk

~ engage in both outdoor and indoor play with toys made of natural materials

~ learn interactive games, songs, verses and rhymes that reflect the changing seasons; you can take these home and immediately bring into your family life

~ cook and share a nutritious group snack using whole grains, fruits and veggies (organic when available), and herbal teas – all snacks provided

~ work on an adult craft to share with your child (handmade toys are the best gift for a young one-when made by a loved one it’s even better!)

~ experience puppet shows with beautiful, lovingly created all natural puppets

~ spark conversations on parenting and early childhood topics

~ learn the importance of rhythm and purposeful work as a method of guidance, worthy of imitation by our young children

Adults are asked to actively participate in all aspects of the group to provide a healthy model for learning through imitation by the children. Adults will have opportunities to observe, as well as engage in, their child’s play while contemplating their developmental needs. Snack and craft time conversations will focus on early childhood topics previously decided upon by the group. Families have the opportunity to take home photocopies of related articles and all of the songs/rhymes/verses/games for further reading and reference.

The session includes:
Adult Orientation on Saturday, February 6th 9:30-11am
six group classes on Tuesday mornings beginning February 9th – March 23rd 9:15-11:30am
the possibility of one more adult only class later in the session
all snacks and craft materials
handouts for adult reference

$125 for one adult with a child
Additional children/adults in the same family may attend.  A discounted fee is offered. 

Please contact Ashley for more information or to register at waldorfmama[at]gmail[dot]com.

6 responses »

  1. This sounds lovely but conflicts with a weekly Bible study I go to. Maybe in the future. 😀

  2. Oh how neat! I wish we didn’t live so far away!

  3. That sounds beautiful. Will there be more sessions in the future? Ivey will only be 6 months old, and she still goes everywhere with me.

  4. Jenny, I doubt Ashley would mind if you attended with Ivey. I had planned to attend with Cedar until I realized Norah was too old to participate. Boo.

    However, she does plan to continue offering the classes.

  5. i’m so jealous I’m not there for this! 😦

  6. Julie, Thank you for posting the class! I just wanted to pass along that anyone who would like to share thoughts or ideas regarding the parent-tot group may contact me as well. I’m still collecting information and forming my ideas for the group… I am hearing from the community that there is a need for an older, maybe 3-5 year old, class. If this is true, I would be thrilled to offer one!! I just need to know what the community needs…

    I currently do not charge for non-walking younger siblings to attend with an adult and older child. Parents should contact me about our space availability and their family’s needs.

    As I start the Greenville class, I am taking a hiatus from the monthly Asheville group I have been facilitating. If folks are interested, I can let you know when Morning Glory starts up again in that area.

    Thanks, again, for your support!


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