Category Archives: Work

A day in the life

I love when other moms post their “day in the life” so here’s mine in all its mundane glory.

6:30am:  Made coffee and my husband’s lunch.  Kissed him good-bye and went back to bed where two little girls had slipped under the covers.

7:30am:  Out of bed, drank coffee, and fed the kids.  Perused facebook while the coffee took effect.

8am:  2nd coffee enabled me to answer emails.  Broke up a fight.  Dealt with a melt-down from Norah over I-can’t-remember-what.  I think it had to do with loom bands.

8:45am:  Out the door.  We did our Latin lesson in the car and I ate my breakfast.

9:30am:  Balcony seats at the Brooks Center to see a musical, “The Monster Who Ate My Peas.”

10:45am:  Back in the car.  We listened to a Lyrical Life Sciences song about digestion which turned into a discussion about the Pacific Northwest myth about raven stealing the sun which turned into a discussion about the reproductive system which led to listening to Rita Dove read her poetry.  That’s how we roll.

11:20am:  Met my mother-in-law in Easley so she could take the kids to lunch while I provided a new mama with 2 hours of postpartum care.

2pm:  Heading back home with the girls.  They told me all about fractions which Nana taught them in her craft room today.  Norah showed me how much she crocheted.  Is that really the past-tense of crochet?  I defined the words optimism and pessimism based on Norah’s not-great attitude which led to a discussion about their derivation from the Latin words, pessime and optime.

2:30-4:30pm:  I ate lunch.  Norah practiced violin and read her new book.  Cedar played with her babies.  Then the girls went outside to blow bubbles.  I made a meal to take to a postpartum mom.  Talked to another postpartum mom about her perineum.  Answered more emails.  P.S.  If you send me an email asking lots of questions that require I spend 15 minutes crafting a careful response, please follow-up with a “thank you.”  I’m shocked by the number of strangers who email me things like, “I want to be a doula…will you answer these 17 questions?” and then never reply.  Common courtesy, friends!

5pm:  Dropped meal off.  The girls sang their history songs in the car.

5:45pm:  The girls and I met Scott at Panera for dinner.  He took the girls home and I headed to an Upstate BirthNetwork meeting.  Answered a phone call about a funky umbilical cord and texted with a tired doula.

9pm-10pm:  Stood too long in the cold parking lot talking with my favorite childbirth educator.

10pm-10:45pm:  Cried on the phone with my mother about all the mistakes I’m making with my kids.

11:30pm:  Home in bed blogging with a mug of peppermint tea.

And now I’m laughing that I’m really going to post this “day in the life” on my blog!  Yeah, I pretty much “road-schooled” the kids today.  Tomorrow we’ll get to stay home almost all day and surely there will be math and spelling.

My first 10 on 10

Inspired by Rachel and Victoria, I want to do a 10 on 10.  One picture for ten hours on the tenth.  Who knows?  Maybe it will become a regular to-do.

Or maybe it will be incredibly uninteresting.

7am:  To keep my sanity during election madness, re-reading Jesus for President.

8am:  On my commute downtown, I spy someone’s pants waiting for the dry cleaner’s to open.

9am:  Toddler potty emergency led to an unplanned stop in Starbuck’s.

10am:  Visiting with Natalie as she beautifies Natural Baby.

11am:  Storytime

12pm:  Lunch.  Don’t judge.  I was craving that mean looking green pepper.

1pm:  Helped a newly pregnant woman pick out some beach reading. (No, not Orgasmic Birth)

2pm:  Evaluating the mess.  The mess this girl-child makes.

3pm:  Picked up Norah from school

4pm:  scuppernong snack


ten on ten button small

Upcoming Classes

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I am teaching another round of parenting classes for Natural Baby.  This series is so much fun!  It covers everything I WISH someone would have taught me before my babies were born.  Please let your expectant friends know about the series.  They can sign up for the entire six weeks for 80.00 or choose individual classes for 20.00.  The cost is per couple although many students come alone.  Schedule below:

March 21:   Try to See It My Way (Infant Communication) 
March 28:  Breastfeeding 
April 4:  Now What?  The First Six Weeks
April 11:  Sleeping Like a Baby
April 18:  Having a Baby without Breaking the Bank 
April 25:  Parenting the First Year 
My upcoming Hypnobabies class is full.  I’m accepting students for the next open series which begins Sundays (5pm-8pm) May 6.  Email me if you are interested:  j_byers (at) bellsouth (dot) net.
I’m teaching a Positive Discipline Class for Toddlers and Preschoolers March 31 from 1pm-3:30pm in Greenville.

Missing me one place search another

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Upstate Childbirth Education and Doula Services has a new home!  We’re now in the lovely Waldrep building near the corner of N. Main and Stone Ave.  It is so nice to be in a place with no hint of sheet rock dust!  Of course, as always, we continue to serve our clients in the birthplace of their choice:  hospital, home, or birth center.  We go where they go!

Our email newsletter will be going out soon with a full calendar of upcoming events in our new home.  If you haven’t signed up for the newsletter, click on over to UCEDS and type your email in the top right corner to keep up with our happenings.  I hope we’ll see you at the next Blessingways on June 28.  Leia will be sharing her birth story and we’ll have a special topic on “Going Green in the Nursery.” 

Ok, shameless plug is over…